Saturday, 5th of April: German reading session for kids!

Time to do some German as well. We will have a session with readings of different stories thanks to our volunteer Erik who is native German and is a frequent reader also in public libraries around Brussels. It will be a great occasion to immerse the kids auf Deutsch and take a look at our German books, we have brought a lot of new children’s books! Share with your friends!

⏰ **When:** Saturday, April 5th at 4pm.

📍 **Where:** Bimbi Books, librairie jeunesse à Chaussée d’Ixelles 301, Ixelles 1050 (near Flagey)

💸 **Price:** free, please register for the activity in advance writing an email to [email protected].

👶 **Age recommended:** 2+ but all children are welcome

🇩🇪  **Languages:** German

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