And another one for the little ones, this time in English! We have you covered Saturday afternoon, with a great book reading for the little ones in English by author Grace Buka. “Xander, the panther” is about a panther that needs glasses as he gets confused in the jungle with different animals and colours. Great for little ones up to 5 years old. Grace will be happy to sign copies of the book after the reading, great present for the next kids birthday on your agendas!
⏰ When: Saturday, September 28th at 4pm
📍 Where: Bimbi Books, librairie jeunesse à Chaussée d’Ixelles 301, Ixelles 1050 (near Flagey)
💸 Price: free, please register for the activity in advance writing an email to [email protected]
👶 Age recommended: 1+ but all children are welcome
🇺🇸 Languages: English